Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why I Love White People

The website is in simple words EPIC. And a recent post on the website summed up my entire life. Call me a child, but 'Where The Wild Things Are' is still near and dear to my heart and I have in fact read that paper back children's story multiple times (years ago, naturally).

But this post made my day, and I just had to share it...

It is a guarantee that whenever it is announced that a popular book is being turned into a movie, white people will get upset. This is partly due to their fear that something they love will be made accessible to more people and thus enjoyed by more people which immediately decreases the amount of joy a white person can feel towards the original property. Yes, it’s complicated.

The other problem is that these announcements create a ticking time bomb where by a white person must read the book in ADVANCE of the release of the movie. This is done partly so that they can engage in the popular activity of complaining about how the movie failed to capture the essence of the book. But more importantly, once a book has been made into a movie, a white person can no longer read that book. To have read the book after the movie is one of the great crimes in white culture, and under no circumstances should you ever admit to doing this.

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